Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Financial Concerns?

It isn’t a secret that May 1st is known as the national college decision date, and if you take a look at your calendar, it isn’t a secret that May 1st is just around the corner!

We know that you have a lot to consider in the next few weeks and that the decisions are exciting, important and complex.  The office of admissions at Notre Dame of Maryland University is committed to helping you make your final decision.  And while we hope that your decision includes us, we know that what is the most important is that you find the place that is the right fit for you.

One of the first topics to address in your final decision making is finances – students and families’ ability to pay for four years of higher education is likely the top concern faced.  Here at Notre Dame, we are always available to talk to you about your financial aid package and about your questions or concerns with the cost of attendance!

Some suggestions:

1. Have at least one phone conversation with your personal admissions counselor to go over your financial aid award letter.  Not only will this allow you to understand every line of the letter, but it also allows the admissions counselor to discuss your bottom-line cost and payment options.  Even if you think that the cost is too expensive, we can most likely provide suggestions of where to find available funding or see if Notre Dame can help in any way.

2. Use that conversation to talk to your counselor about any financial problems or concerns.  We are your family's advocate and will do all that we can to make Notre Dame of Maryland affordable and attainable for you.  Your personal admissions counselor can talk you through different financial aid appeal options that could result in additional financial aid monies.  We are here to help!

3. Keep in mind the connection between cost of attendance and aid given for all of your schools.  Just because college B gave you $5,000 more than college C, doesn't mean College B is necessarily less expensive.  Make sure to look at the cost of each school and what is covered and then look at scholarships, grants, etc. from each institution.

4. Be aware of the difference between the private and public schools to which you have been accepte.  Private schools do not have "In state" vs. "Out of State" tuition.  If you are from another state and could receive state aid at a local school, this would be an example of when you should talk to us about possibly closing that gap.

5. Lastly, make sure to understand what your money will be paying for and what will still be left to cover.  Some schools have room and board, which covers living and eating on campus, while others require you to purchase a meal plan on top of housing cost.  Another common bill is parking.  Parking on some campuses can be a large expense, so make sure to look into that (Notre Dame is free and guaranteed).  Try to also think of little things like laundry or transportation.  NDMU has free laundry on campus and free transportation around Baltimore if students utilize the Collegetown Shuttle.   Finally, make sure you check with schools to make sure that your willingness to pay for living on campus or parking on campus (depending on the college) isn't in vain, since some schools don't allow or don't have room for each student all four years.

Please know that we are committed to your daughter and your family - we will truly do all that we can to make your goals regarding Notre Dame of Maryland University a reality. As a smaller school, we possess the ability and commitment to work with each family one-on-one to understand your story and to address your concerns.

As always, we welcome your calls and emails.  By calling 410-532-5330, you will reach our admissions office front desk and then be connected with your counselor.

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