Wednesday, August 6, 2014

So, You're Moving Away to College!

So, You're Moving Away to College!
Here are some tips for you as you move to your new home-away-from-home!

1) Self-fulfilling prophecies are the real deal.
What do I mean by this?  When you enter college with a solid mindset, that is how your experience is going to be.  Let’s face it, some people are social butterflies while others rather sit alone in their rooms and read a novel all day.  Others have anxiety that hinders them away from being open and welcoming to new friends. Don’t let this be you- don’t be scared to let your guard down and meet new friends!  After all, in four years you don’t want to look back upon your experience and wish you would have dragged yourself from your room? Would you? Go to the welcoming activities, say ‘hello’ to those you pass in the hall and be open to making new friends! Get out of your room and explore! After all, college is more fun when you have friends to experience it with you!

2) Welcome Week activities in the Residence Halls are long, but you still need to go to them.
Don’t try to sneak off during Welcome Week- we will find you! Not only should you go to these events, but they are mandatory!  Like I said before, get out of your room and make friends!  Participate in programs!  They might not be the friends that you have for the rest of your life or even the rest of college, but friends are friends, and you do not want to be eating in the dinning commons by yourself all year.

3) You do not need to be best friends with your roommate.
We love to share this particular piece of advice every year.  Don’t go into any roommate-ship with the expectation to be best friends with your roomie.  Allow both of you to have your own day to day routines and meet up for dinner or lunch when you can! Sometimes you will become best friends with your roommate, but what it all boils down to is that you need to be considerate, open-minded, and able to communicate to anyone you are sharing space with. The roommate world is not black and white. Sometimes you will become best friends with your roommate, but what it all boils down to is that you need to be considerate, open-minded, and able to communicate to anyone you are sharing space with.
4) Be nice to your CA (Community Assistant)
This one is personal, we have read other people's advice as saying "befriend your CA; they won't write you up as much."  We cannot say if this is true or not *wink wink*.  Trust us, there are times that your RA will not want to live with you either. But we have received a few notes from residents that tell us that they enjoy chatting with me or that I was their favorite part of moving to college, and those residents made the most unbearable nights worth it in the end. Your RA is fountain of knowledge about your school, they have taken a lot of the classes you need to take and they know about a lot of resources on campus. Go to them and ask them questions when you have them, they want to talk to you and get to know you!
5) Pursue a degree you are passionate about.
This one simple speaks for itself. Do what you love, love what you do. If you’re unsure about what major to declare, don’t. Work one-on-one with you advisor to talk about your goals, strengths and areas that interest you.  Together, come up with a plan--- you’re not alone, we can help!

 6) Ask for help.
We know that we already touched on this a little bit on number five, but we am serious when we say this. Know your limits. If you don't understand material for a class you should take advantage of your professor's office hours. See what resources your school has for tutoring, my school has multiple programs that offer free tutoring for different subjects and majors. You are paying for these resources with your tuition, use them.
7)Finally, take a minute (or a few) between the classes and studying and work to enjoy yourself.
 People will say that college is the best years of your life. We don't know if that is the truth, but we still think everyone in college should try and make the most out of the experience and have a little fun--after you take care of your responsibilities!