Every university has special traditions to mark
various events and holidays and women's colleges are especially known
for these traditions. Last night was the annual Tree Trim and Christmas
Dinner at Notre Dame1, one of the most beloved
traditions on our campus.

We started the evening in Doyle Formal where there
is a small prayer service to mark the season of advent. This prayer
service immediately flowed into the campus Tree Trim where every office,
department and student group was allowed to
place an ornament on the tree. It is always so much fun to see the new
student groups and new members of the community join in this
celebration, though without a doubt, A Child’s Place steals the show
every year. A Childs place is a preschool for kids 3-5
years old and some of our education students intern or volunteer there.
About 8 children came forward with their handmade ornaments and of
course received a crowd wide “awww” and a round of applause.

After all the ornaments are placed and the tree is
lit, everyone was dismissed to the dining hall where Christmas dinner
was served. This tradition has been around since the very start of the
College, when the School Sisters would serve
Christmas diner to the young women! The tradition continues with
faculty and staff taking on the role of the server. Many of the
admissions staff are alumni of the Women’s College who have fond
memories of our own Christmas dinners, so it is especially sentimental
for us to continue the tradition as servers. After dinner and desserts
have been devoured, it is on to the caroling, the favorite song being
the 12 Days of Christmas. Each table is assigned a certain set of
numbers and you have to stand up and sing (shout)
out your verse.
This is a great tradition and a welcome break
during the last week of classes for our students. But if you think this
sounds great, wait till you hear about what goes on during finals week!
Stay tuned!
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