Catch the Campus Buzz!
Walking around campus today, these lovely boards caught our eye! We thought we would tell you all about them!
As you enter Doyle Hall, right before you grab lunch with friends, or check your mailbox-- take a gander at the "Campus Buzz Boards" to see what our forty plus clubs and organizations doing! Here is a look at this week's boards!
Get the latest and greatest information about campus events, organization and clubs! |
The Office of Campus Ministry always has it goin' on! Check out the spaghetti dinner, cupcake informational session, or meet with our organization, either way be involved with our Campus Ministry Office-- you won't regret it! |
Some of the "Doyle DETS" Get all the "DETS" or details and know what the buzz is around campus! |
I can't wait to start college! It looks like there is a lot to do at Notre Dame.