One of the best things about college is that education is not limited to the classes that you take. At Liberal Arts institutions, like Notre Dame, there is an emphasis on interdisciplinary education, or education that goes beyond your specific major. Our school recognizes that to really be an educated person, you must knowledgeable about topics outside your focus. This is why a Biology major is required to take an art course and a philosophy student has to take a history course.
This full and rich education is what makes a person dynamic! A person who is educated through the liberal arts is the person who can talk knowledgeably about current events, how it relates to history, the impact it might have on the economy and how popular culture is an expression of the human experience during this time. This is the person who is able to adjust to an ever shifting job landscape because they see how the world is connected and can make use of those connections to stay flexible.
Besides requiring students to take classes in all the fields of discipline, Notre Dame also hosts various lectures that are open to the whole campus and public. It centers around a theme and is presented by a knowledgeable speaker. This is a chance to explore a topic that does not (on the surface) seem related to person's major or career but is in fact, a topic that is of importance to us all.
Next Tuesday the 18th at 7 pm, Richard Louv will be coming to campus to speak on the "Nature Movement", which is response to our our highly technology enriched lives. The lecture is sponsered by the Education department but is open to the entire campus and public.
If you are interested in attending, contact your admissions counselor or register
here. It is a free event.